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What is the floor protocol?

The Floor Protocol is a platform that allows people to fractionalize their NFTs into micro-tokens called μ-Tokens. This improves affordability and liquidity. Users can deposit NFTs into the Vault to relinquish unique ownership of that NFT or into Safeboxes to maintain ownership using a Safebox Key. In return Depositors receive μ-Tokens.

How does flooring protocol work?

First, Flooring Protocol fragments high-value NFT into 1,000,000 ERC-20 μTokens. For example, when a user deposits one Pudgy Penguins NFT into Flooring Protocol, they receive 1,000,000 μPPG tokens (the μTokens are not linked between NFT collections, but the fragmented μTokens are the same for all NFTs in the same NFT collection).

What is flooring protocol & defillama?

The Flooring Protocol is a platform that allows people to fractionalize their NFTs into micro-tokens called μ-Tokens. This improves affordability and liquidity. Users can deposit NFTs into the Vault to relinquish unique ownership of that NFT or into Safeboxes to maintain ownership using a Safebox Key. DefiLlama is a DeFi TVL aggregator.

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